Thursday 17 March 2011

What life might be like in the year 2000.

In 1910, A  French  artist / futurist Villemard produced some illustrations depicting what life might be like in the year 2000. So if you were ever having wonders what the  Steam-Punk world would have looked like then lets have a look.

The electric train
Automated Construction Site
Auto-Roller Wheels
Robot Barbour Slave (an electric razor perhaps?)
More Robot slaves for Madame
A Chemical Dinner
Scouts cyclists
At the School (looks most accurate of all.)
  Cinema - Phono - Telegraph (so its a video phone from 100 years )
Robot Slave Concierge (oh and flying freaking Cars)
A Steam Punk seen of Mad Max. This is 5 yers before The Mark I Tank.

Hearing Journal, like a dicta-phone.
A Curiosity, this was perhaps his way of saying the automobile would kill the horse.
Electric fire place
A automated tailor
An Airship-Boat
A Flower Festival, in flying cars.
Flying Fire-fighter, Flying Fire-fighters,Flying Fire-fighter.
The Avenue de l'Opera (its in France)
A Boat Rescue
Police Airman
An Advanced Helicopter
OK, OK my French sucks, so don't trust my translation. Well I hope you enjoyed this, see you all soon don't forget to comment and I will see you all next week. (via)


  1. Pretty amazing. Also, where the hell are my robot slaves?

  2. These are funny to look at because you have to think that the guy drawing them is from 1910. I must say that he did a good idea with a few of them. What an imagination the guy had. I wonder if you ask someone today to do that for what the world will be like in 2100 it would be very interesting.
